The 80-Year-Old CrossFitter | TRULY
Jul 08 2019
BIRTHDAY celebrations are usually a time for decadence and partying until the small hours – that is unless you’re a fitness obsessed octogenarian! Jacinto Bonilla, 80, from New York, celebrated his eightieth birthday on 3 July by completing 80 double-unders on a jump rope, followed by 80 squats, 80 push-ups, 80 pull-ups, 80 wall ball shots, 80 kettlebell swings, 80 deadlifts with a 90-pound weight – ending with another round of 80 double-unders. Every year since he turned 69, the so-called “grandfather of CrossFit” has added one rep to his brutal trademark birthday workout – the Jacinto Storm. Follow his story here:

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