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I'm Mocked For My Beard But I'm Still A Woman | SHAKE MY BEAUTY
Dec 22 2021
ROSINA Al-Shaater, from Bristol, UK, started growing her facial hair as a social experiment in 2016. Rosina, who has polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), has been removing her excess facial hair since she was 13 years old. But after years of waxing, she decided to fully embrace her moustache and beard. She said: “I wanted to see how people would react when they saw me.” Rosina has received quite a lot of criticism for being a woman with a beard, but she’s not phased by people’s insults. She believes her beard highlights her femininity. Rosina added: “I don’t want to remove my facial hair just because others want me to. I want to get to a point where I love and accept myself completely."
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