12 Crazy Rules Kardashian Jenner's Chef Have To Follow
Jun 08 2020
From Strict Diets To Food Allergies These Celebrity Chefs Have A Lot On Their Hands

The Kardashians and Jenners follow some strict meal and diet plans. Not surprisingly, their kids also boast a long list of dietary restrictions. This famous family’s roster of personal chefs and nutritionists have their work cut out for them. The reality stars have some pretty crazy demands when it comes to their diets. Gluten-free, dairy-free, keto, nut allergies, atkins, morning teas, high protein, low carb, and seven meals a day. That’s a lot to keep track of for whoever is preparing this family’s dinner! How do their chefs keep up? At least these sisters have some gorgeous and elaborate kitchens for their chefs to work in, some even more than one! With so many restrictions and requests, events like holidays and birthdays can get complicated. But these fashion and makeup moguls are also known to splurge on over the top cakes and desserts, not to mention a cheat meal here and there!

Written by: Laurie Melanson

Narrated by: KC Perkins

Edited by: Maite Cambra

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